The release from Lost Creek Reservoir is in the 880 cfs vicinity

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Report Date:

The release from Lost Creek Reservoir is in the 880 cfs vicinity, but tributaries are providing significant input downstream. Dodge Bridge is around 2,100 cfs.   

Winter steelhead fishing has been excellent the last few weeks. Last week 231 new winter steelhead showed up to the hatchery, and the swim-in season total is 909.

Wild winter steelhead harvest is closed for the season.

Last week 50 new spring Chinook swam into the hatchery bringing the season total to 51. Many anglers are starting to switch gears to Chinook fishing, but there should be steelhead around for a while. No wild spring Chinook harvest is allowed upstream of Dodge Bridge. Make sure to check the Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations for each section of river before you head out.

Trout season is closed but will re-open on May 22. The “Hatchery Hole” is also closed to all fishing until Aug. 1 and closed to Chinook fishing all year.

Please avoid wading in and fishing near salmon redds. 

For up-to-date river levels, check all the USGS Rogue gauges here.


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