Winter steelhead are still in the Hood River, but fishing has started to slow down

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Report Date:

Winter steelhead are still in the Hood River, but fishing has started to slow down.

2021 was the final release for hatchery winter steelhead smolts in the Hood River. The 2023 return year will have the bulk of the 2021 release year cohort (2 salt fish).

Spring Chinook fishing on the Hood River is open until July 1. Check the regulations regarding the sport fishing boundary on the west fork Hood River. Hood River spring Chinook are returning over Bonneville and are in the Hood River, but the river is still very high making fishing challenging. Flows are forecasted to start dropping this week.

Rain on snow events cause dynamic flows on the Hood River throughout winter and spring. Best to check current and forecasted flows on the river prior to fishing.

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OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

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