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Summer steelhead fishing has been good on the Clackamas. Pressure has been decent, but there are a lot of bright fish being caught. Spring Chinook are also now in the system and starting to be caught. Number should only increase in the coming weeks.
The winter steelhead return continues to be excellent on the Clackamas River. The current run prediction is for over 4,000 returning adults. Only in 1962 and 1971 have we had more than 3,000 unmarked winter steelhead return to the trap.
This is the final summary email for the 2024 Lower Clackamas Spring Chinook fishery. Past and present year summaries can be found on the ODFW Website.
Bank effort was mostly in the Dog Creek area. Most of the boats were checked at Carver ramp. Boat effort dropped last week compared to previous.
June 25 Clackamas Hatchery adult Chinook return: 270 (includes PGE transferred fish from N.F. Dam)
23 boats
191 bank anglers
USGS hydrological data readings from the Estacada gauge near Milo McIver State Park. Hydrologic data and river forecasts can also be accessed on the NOAA/National Weather Service NW River Forecast Center -- NW River Forecast Center.
Report Date:
Includes updates to fishing, crabbing and clamming Leftover tags go on sale July 1 Tags that are leftover from the big game......