Report Date:
FREELANCE UPDATE!!! Captain Norris just called in and gave us a live update on the water. FREELANCE was chartered today and left at 9 am. Pretty late but still managed to get 80 Giant Squid. They went for the Barracuda using live bait & lost a lot. No jiggers out there. FREELANCE has 6 or 7 spots for tomorrow's trip. It is an Extended 3/4 day trip Limited load from 6am to 6pm. Make a reservation right now. It'll go......
Report Date:
Cudas and Calamari! The Freelance and Western Pride brought home 815 Giant Squid on a twilight run. The baracuda are also on the chew! Great action on the water, call Davey's Locker and claim your ticket! (949) 673-1434 ......