One of the best opportunities this time of year!

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Report Date:

Attention boaters: There is a boating obstruction/hazard upstream of Mail Creek on the Necanicum River (between the Hwy 26 bridge and Klootchy Park). This is a large log/debris jam blocking the river. Boaters should use extreme caution. Check the Oregon State Marine Board boater obstruction map here.

The Necanicum River fall Chinook season ends Nov. 30. See regulation updates for details.

The Hwy 101 boat ramp on the Necanicum has been re-opened for angler access. The gate remains up but has a combination lock on it. Anglers can get the combination by calling the Tillamook District office at (503) 842–2741 and providing their name and ODFW Hunter/Angler ID number.

The first few hatchery winter steelhead have showed up at the North Fork Nehalem hatchery; this is the same stock of steelhead that is released in the Necanicum. It's early and numbers will be very low, but for those anxious to start winter steelhead fishing this basin is one of the best opportunities this time of year.

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OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, November 27th
ODFW Recreation Report

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Report Date:

Free Fishing Days Nov. 29-30 The Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving are Free Fishing days in Oregon. That means you don't......

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