We are currently seeing very good fishing conditions on the river

Trout Creek Outfitters

Report Date:


We are currently seeing very good fishing conditions on the river. Flows are right around, or slightly above average for this time of year and the water is holding just that perfect level of tint. We are likely to see low and warm water later in the year and this spring will certainly be the best time to fish any freestone rivers like the Truckee.

While March is considered the single best month for Pyramid, we would also say it’s one of the best months for the river as well. The rainbows are heading into pre-spawn, the skwalas start to show, the most prolific baetis hatches or the year happen on the lower river. Best of all, the crowds remain light!

Yet another great thing about fishing right now is the casual timeframe for being on the water. Mid-day through early afternoon will typically provide the best fishing. Sleeping in a bit and having a nice breakfast before you head to the water is always a nice change of pace from the mid-summer zero-dark-thirty start times required to beat the heat.

With all of this said, conditions could very well change as early as this weekend if this storm lays down a good amount of precipitation. So, if you’re looking to fish early next week, give us a call to get the latest for the Truckee. When fishing the river this week, we have once again begun to pick up most of our fish on the smaller flies like baetis and midges, giving a bit of an advantage to the baetis right now. San Juan worms and pat’s rubber legs are putting plenty of fish in the net as well. With the skwalas slowly starting up, we are fishing olive or brown stonefly nymphs in a size 8-10 as our larger “attractor nymphs.”

The conditions are great along all sections of the river right now and there is a lot of good water to choose from during these flows. It’s a good time to get out and explore some new beats, especially with very little snow on the ground to impede you.

If you would like to go fishing with us please check out our website Trout Creek Outfitters.com or call (530) 563-5119.

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