Despite this storm coming in wet to start, the temps dropped quickly

Trout Creek Outfitters

Report Date:

Despite this storm coming in wet to start, the temps dropped quickly. We only saw a brief increase in flows before they dropped after a few days of sub-freezing air temps. We love seeing this cold front come through, keeping the precipitation on the hill and not in the river allowing it to stay cold for that much longer during the dog days of summer. Due to the recent snow, access along the upper section of river will be a bit limited due to parking. If you can get out there, the fishing should still stay good this week. Before this front pushed through, we had some great days using stonefly patterns, imitating the skwala stone specifically. Other go-to patterns are eggs, worms, baetis, winter stones, and midges. During the warm days last week, we saw some fish start to shift into slightly faster water. During these storm days, odds are the fish will be in the slower, deeper water once again. Along the Nevada side of the river, the baetis hatches have started up, but are still not present with great regularity. That could change as early as this week because baetis in particular really like to hatch during overcast weather.

If you would like to go fishing with us please check out our website Trout Creek or call (530) 563-5119.

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Pyramid Lake

Trout Creek Outfitters

Report Date:

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Trout Creek Outfitters Reports
for Friday, March 7th


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