Contact: Carol Singleton, Department of Fish and Game, 916-539-6124
DFG's Oil Spill Division Receives Emergency Services Award
The Department of Fish and Game's Office of Spill Prevention and
Response (OSPR) will be awarded for contributions in oil spill emergency
management. The California Emergency Services Association (CESA) has
selected OSPR to receive the State CESA Gold Award at its annual
conference in South Lake Tahoe on Oct. 7.
OSPR was nominated by CESA's Coastal Chapter for its work on the San
Francisco Bay and Delta Area Contingency Plan (ACP), a comprehensive
document used for managing oil spills. State and federal laws require
that ACPs be developed and maintained in designated coastal areas in
order to provide the best achievable protection to the public and
environment in the event of an oil spill. Each year, the CESA state
board reviews exceptional nominations from each of the member chapters
and picks the most deserving to receive statewide recognition.
"This award acknowledges the continued hard work and partnership of
OSPR and the entire emergency response community in the Bay Area,"
said Steve Edinger, OSPR Administrator.
OSPR meets quarterly with the U.S. Coast Guard and other stakeholders
to update ACPs to ensure information is current and that best practices
are being utilized. In the past two years, the San Francisco Bay and
Delta ACP has undergone extensive scrutiny and revision to address such
issues as the use of convergent volunteers in an oil spill, local
government representation in the unified command and sensitive site
protection strategies.