Report Date:
http://www.royalpolaris.comHAPPY FATHER'S DAY (062010)!!! Hello everyone; Our weather consisted of 18 to 22 knots of wind, with clear skies, and a bit cool for most of the day. We arrived to Alijos Rocks at 08:45 hours, and did some looking around. Once we were in position, we scratched the day with a stead pick of Yellowfin Tuna in the 25 to 50 pound range, and Yellowtail in the 15 to 20 pound catogory. We are hoping that the weather will settle down tomorrow. Lucky angler today was Shealyn Hall, with a 30 pound Yellowtail. We will give this a try again tomorrow, so wish us luck and Happy Father's Day from the R/p crew. "BeNt RoDs 4 LiFe"
If you would like to go fishing with us please BOOK ONLINE or call (619) 226-8092 to get in on the action.Report Date:
SHOWING NOTHING BUT BACK!!! Roy Rose docked Frank LoPreste's Royal Polaris at Fisherman's Landing May 10, following the 17-day