Report Date: Conditions and Hatches: Poor to Excellent. The Daphnia is hanging on for longer than usual. from horrible to no problem but you have to "shop" spots to find where it isn't each day as the stuff moves with the ever-present currents. If you see unexplained clouds on your fish finder or fish at all depths from top to bottom, keep on going. Look for spots where fish are all near the bottom (looking for midges) or just trial and error spots using 5 minute rule.
Stripping is typically more effective than midging if you are fishing where the Dapnia is as you cover more area and it will ellict an aggression strike even though they are swimming through their food and aren't hunting for food. The last few days the body count was low but some really huge fish like 4 to 6 lbs, are being caught in the north end. Alligator, Six Bays, Green Banks in particular. I'll swap quality for quantity any day. Try the cruisers along Green Banks and Six Bays and move if you don't get a grab another 100 ft. to find the zone.
Recommended Flies: Blood Worms early then Optimidges in Red/Black or Purple next and Black or Gray/Black later in the day. Beadheads still necesssary where there is still some algae flecks but go with dubbed head if possible. The leeches are working the best in purple or wine color if you are stripping with a slow twitch. Use 3X as they slam it.
Report Date:
Getting to be prime time here as well. The spawn is on. The browns are staging up and......