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http://www.redrumcabo.comThe Prunetti party came back to fish Redrum. They took out our two 28' boats for a day of fishing. Tantrum went out to test their luck at trying to land the big one. They were lucky and hooked into a nice size Marlin. Reel Rum kept it close, they stayed in shore for the Sierra and Pargo, catching plenty of each.
Report Date:
A half-day on Rum Runnin was all it took for Mr. Paul and his party to tire out on fish. Humberto had Sierra hook ups for the majority of the morning. The Meline family also tested their hand at inshore fishing and ended the day with 12 Sierra and 12 Rooster Fish. ......
Report Date:
The Meline family went out on El Nuevo and hooked into a nice sized Tuna. The fight lasted around 30 minutes. The fish got lucky and spit the hook a few yards in front of the boat. Rum Runnin stayed inshore and hooked into Sierra and Rooster as their bite has stayed strong. We have been seeing a lot of people coming back with Pargo fish. This is a great white meat that is similar to Sea Bass and is......