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http://www.redrumcabo.comNuevo started Vincent Sanders and his friends off with a bang. Hammering the Tuna with a total of 14 along with 2 Dorado and a Striped Marlin. Way to start off a trip to Cabo!
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Tab Ballard set off aboard Rum Runnin and Xavier and Humberto had him hooked into Tuna before he knew it. We are beginning to get reports of large schools of porpoise up the Sea of Cortez side. This is a good sign that Tuna season should be picking up. Dorado will more than likely be coming around in larger numbers shortly.......
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Mr. LeDeoux had a fantastic day with Cesar aboard Tantrum. Along with the great conversation, the boys reeled in 4 Tuna, 2 Bull Dorado, and 1 Catch and Release Marlin. ......