Report Date: were in position to fish some high spots today and it worked out perfect. First try we found some willing yellowtail that were biting. With some flurries on the first anchor job, we all had a great time. The guys on their first trip found out just how hard a yellowtail can pull. They all had a blast and a couple of our highlights today were Marshall Harritt from Grand Prairie Texas hooking and then fighting and landing a yellow that was 35 lbs. Phil Lisi tagged a big fat 45 lber and to end the day Jim Blount landed a 40 lb white sea bass!! We are going to drift tonight and hope for some tuna fish tomorrow. Ashford and Jon Wood are on their first trip and having a blast, as are Marshall, Mitchell and Byron Harritt. On his second trip is Ben Hibner, our hot stick for the day. He was up the side of the boat with his pole bent over every time you looked up the side. He had a nice catch tagged today, as did Fernando and Daniel Perez, Tim and Robert Ayres, William Barnes, Gene Blazick, Len Damerow. Dale Meyer was tagging fish left and right also. We will report more tomorrow, the Q crew's out!!!