Report Date: Conditions: Fair to Good
The algae is pretty much a non-issue.
Lake continues to drop and is down about 6 feet from high water point. Cold nights are killing weeds quickly but still more weeds this time of year than I have ever seen.
Fishing Conditions and Hatches: Good
the big fish are spreading out so it is looking for a spot by trial and error.
Small fish are everywhere including the 280,000 fingerlings just dumped in at the Fish Camp. With some more bigger Rainbows and Cutthroats scheduled before the end of the season the grand total will be over 500,000. 'Back to the good ol' days!
Leighton, Sandy and the west side of McGee are the prime target areas. Add just off the stream channel in 11 ft of water with some big ones in the mix. Stripping is working particularly well all over McGee. Mostly small guys but every once in awhile . . . Bam! Six Bays is also starting to produce.
Recommended Flies:
#16 Black Optimidge w/green flashback, red/black Optimidge, Mickey's Red Baron early.
DRIES: Forget the dries. Although unconfirmed report from Scott Flint that he got some fish on a magic dry fly of his at Six Bays the other day.
STREAMERS: Stillwater Hares, Perfection Perch, Punk Perch, Hornbergs. Burgandy to orange leech patterns stripped and under the indicator both.
Guides Hint: Fish are territorial this time of year so fishing in one spot and getting grabs for 15 minutes then nothing thereafter is typical. Five Minute Rule applies . .. . no grabs for 5 minutes, move 100 ft for a new audience.