Report Date: Conditions:
Good the flows have bottomed out at the lowest legal flow of 19cfs as of 2/23. There is access with 4X4.
Fishing Conditions and Hatches:
Okay to excellent the lower water levels keep these fish very spooky, so try to be as stealthy as possible when approaching your spot of choice. Midges in the 18-20 range producing all day and decent BWO hatch midday for an hour or two. With the flows as low as they are, there isn't much oxygen in the water, so keep your fish in the water as long as possible while removing your hook.
Extended Body BWO #18-20, CDC Emerger Baetis #20-22, CDC Baetis Dun #18-22, Brook's Sprout Baetis #18-22
Zebra Midge #20-22, BH Flashback Pheasant Tail #16-18, Red Copper John #20, Pheasant Tail #18-22, Tungsten Psycho #18-22, Yankee Buzzer #22, Black Beauty #22-24, #20 Copper Tiger Midge
Perfection Perch #10, Punk Perch #10, Black Wooly Bugger #8, Leeches
Guides Hint:
Maybe its time to have the mysteries of the EW unravelled for you with one of our guides.
Mark Allen sent pics of his "off the chart" day on the East Walker. This is one of the "15-20 Browns" he managed with a #22 BWO.