Report Date:
http://www.redrumcabo.comIt took Tantrum only 4 hours to tire out Mr. Peacock and his boys. They headed straight out past the Arches and found a bundle of Seaweed floating. Cesar knows that a lot of the time this means serious Dorado. He was right!! Tantrum ended the day with 11 Dorado and a Tuna. Fantastic catch guys! Enjoy the fish; you should have enough for the rest of the summer! Rum Runnin caught a Dorado and a large Wahoo. Nuevo also tallied a Wahoo along with 2 Bull Dorado. Omar on Reel Rum hooked up the Hall party with 2 Bull Dorado.
Report Date:
El Nuevo led the fleet with a solid day. The Rich party caught 3 Dorado for the fridge and also Caught and Released a nice Striped Marlin. Rum Runnin had a good day as well bringing in 2 Striped Marlin for Tag and Release.......
Report Date:
One is better than none! El Nuevo caught a monster Dorado that weighed in the upper 50 lbs. The fish was caught by Our good buddies from John Henigin. We enjoyed having you guys. ......