Report Date:
http://www.pointlomasportfishing.comThe MISSION BELLE called in with 8 Yellowtail on board so far. Stay tuned for more updates. Tomorrow’s trip has only 7 passengers signed at this time. The MISSION BELLE runs ¾ day trips fishing for Yellowtail at the Coronado Islands. This trip departs at 6am and returns around 5pm. Ticket price is $95.00 for adults and $85.00 for juniors, seniors and active duty military. A Mexican fishing permit is included in the fare.
Report Date:
Yellowtail Update: The MISSION BELLE now has 11 Yellowtail on board after their first drift. Fishing conditions are defiantly improving at the islands. Stay tuned for more updates. Tomorrow’s trip looks like it could be a light load with only 9 passengers signed up so far. The MISSION BELLE runs ¾ day trips fishing for Yellowtail at the Coronado Islands. This trip departs at 6am and returns around 5pm. Ticket price is $95.00 for adults and $85.00 for juniors, seniors and active duty......