Report Date:
The MISSION BELLE is up to 17 Yellowtail as of 11:30am. Yellowtail fishing has been excellent at the Coronado Islands. Yesterday the MISSION BELLE ended up with 40 Yellowtail for their group.
Departing tonight from POINT LOMA SPORTFIHING.......
The DOLPHIN III departs tonight for a one day trip. Cost of the trip is $185.00 and includes your bunk. Your Mexican permit is additional.
Report Date:
The 3/4 day boat MISSION BELLE just called in with 30+ Yellowtail with plenty of time to fish. Departing tonight from POINT LOMA SPORTFIHING....... The DOLPHIN III departs tonight for a 1.5 day trip. Cost of the trip is $250.00 and includes your bunk. Your Mexican permit is additional. The NEW LO AN departs tonight for a 1.5 day trip. This trip is a “will run” and currently only has 10 passengers signed up. Cost of the trip is $300.00 and includes your......