Report Date:
http://www.dfw.state.or.us8/2/13 ACTION NOTICE: NOAA Fisheries in consultation with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, the California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, and the Pacific Fishery Management Council, has taken in-season action to make the impact neutral rollover of Chinook quota remaining from the July commercial troll salmon fishery in the area from the Humbug Mt. to the Oregon/California Border.
ACTION TAKEN: The August Chinook quota in the commercial troll salmon fishery between Humbug Mt. and the Oregon/California Border is increased from 2,000 Chinook to 2,714 Chinook, by moving unused quota from the July season to the August season on an impact neutral basis.
RATIONALE: This fishery had taken an estimated 3,988 Chinook during July out of an adjusted July quota of 4,760 (June to July rollover). The remaining 772 Chinook from July when converted to equivalent August impacts resulted in a net increase to the August quota of 714 Chinook. All other rules remain as established in the 2013 ocean salmon regulations including mandatory call-ins from troll fishers at the time of landing to (541)867-0300 ext. 252, and single daily landing and possession limits of 30 Chinook per vessel.
Report Date:
8/2/13 ACTION NOTICE: NOAA Fisheries in consultation with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Oregon Department of Fish......