Report Date:
http://www.fishintrepid.comWe returned this morning from our Larry Brown 7 day trip. Jackpot winners are....1st Place : Andrew Ratzky with his 63.8 lb. BFT ...2nd Place goes to Nate Evans with his 62.2 lb. BFT and 3rd place Mike Roland with his 48 lb. BFT.Honorable mention goes to 13 year old Max Gleiberman with a 75 lb. Whopper BFT... Thanks everyone for another great trip..... "The Intrepid Team"
Report Date:
"We finished up our Larry Brown seven-day on the tuna grounds," wrote skipper Kevin Osborne for Intrepid August 9, "with......
Report Date:
We finished up our Larry Brown 7 day on the tuna grounds with some quality Bluefin hitting the deck. Highlight......