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http://www.fishintrepid.comWe finished up our Larry Brown 7 day on the tuna grounds with some quality Bluefin hitting the deck. Highlight of the days fishing was Nate Evans catching his first ever Bluefin, which was a dandy! One of our lady anglers Norin Grancell was a hot stick landing a couple of beauty's and un-buttoned another. Several others landed a couple each and everyone had a shot at one of these big Bluefin today. It was just a fitting end to the trip, after battling the weather for a couple of days, we finally got to get back to fishing in decent conditions and found some nice fish for our efforts. Thanks again for another fun filled fishing adventure Larry. E.T.A 5:30am "The Intrepid Team"
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We spent the morning and half our day fishing exotics in the form of Sea Bass, Halibut, Trophy Yellowtail,......
Report Date:
A Great Day of angling for the Larry Brown group! We had non stop action from 4am until 6pm when......