Report Date:
http://www.fishintrepid.comA Great Day of angling for the Larry Brown group! We had non stop action from 4am until 6pm when we left them biting!! Limit Style fishing with a very nice grade of Yellowtail, very few small fish, and the ones that were caught were released to grow and fight another day. The sound system was cranking out great music, the sun was shinning brightly, beautiful scenery, and great fishing. What more could any fishing adventure ask for. We will be trying for some exotics tomorrow and then heading back up to give those Bluefin another shot. Wish Us Luck. "The Intrepid Team"
Report Date:
We spent the day offshore trying to relocate that Yellow fin we were fishing, but only found small Tuna and......
Report Date:
"The Intrepid returned this morning from our Nor Cal Tuna Club seven-day trip," said the report from the boat's office......