Report Date:
http://www.fishintrepid.comWe had a very enjoyable day catching Yellowtail and Calico Bass from daybreak until dinner time. It was just a fun day and there were some real trophy fish landed, like the 43lb Yellow caught by Don Bruns and held up by Bill Cavanaugh or the one of many big Calico Bass caught by David Jayne. Chef Paul got in on the action and landed 6 big Calico's and a bonus Yellow he muscled out of the kelps between galley duties. We will be looking in a different offshore area tomorrow in hopes of finding some fresh Tuna sign or re-locating the Tuna that have pulled the disappearing act again. Wish us luck. "The Intrepid Team"
Report Date:
"We prospected in an area today where we had found some very promising life during our last voyage," noted Intrepid's......
Report Date:
We prospected in an area today where we had found some very promising life during our last voyage. Those......