Report Date:
http://www.fishintrepid.comWe ended our CME 8 day trip this morning and unloaded our catch in fine San Diego weather. Jackpot winners: First Place is Mark Kanow with a 85 lb. YFT...Second Place is John Winn with a 40.8 lb. YFT and Third Place is Jon Marsh with a 37.4 lb. Yellowtail. This is a great group to fish with and we will see you next year. "The Intrepid Team"
Report Date:
Hi everyone. We departed today at 1100 on a 3 day adventure. After putting on a beautiful load of sardine,......
Report Date:
We awoke this morning to 20 knots of wind and 5-7 foot seas. Needless to say, we were not productive on bluefin in these weather conditions. We did release quite a lot of decent grade yellowtail on kelp paddys which is good for later trips and kept us entertained. We did hook a large bluefin tuna on forty pound gear that spooled us. Probably one of the 100 pound class fish that have been seen over the last couple of......