Report Date:
http://www.fishintrepid.comWe awoke this morning to 20 knots of wind and 5-7 foot seas. Needless to say, we were not productive on bluefin in these weather conditions. We did release quite a lot of decent grade yellowtail on kelp paddys which is good for later trips and kept us entertained. We did hook a large bluefin tuna on forty pound gear that spooled us. Probably one of the 100 pound class fish that have been seen over the last couple of weeks. We called it a trip at 2:00 this afternoon and have an ETA of 8:30 at the dock. I truly enjoyed fishing with this group of anglers. Everyone got along well together and it was an overall good mix of personality's. We depart tomorrow on a 3-day trip and hope this weather comes down. ETA 0830 Sunday morning.... "The Intrepid Team"
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"Arriving on scene a few hours after daylight," said the report from American Angler June 29, "we had high hopes......
Report Date:
Hi gang. We enjoyed an awesome day of yellowtail fishing today. Clear skies, flat calm water, and steady action on......