Report Date:
http://www.fishintrepid.comToday was filled with rigging up our gear and a nice seminar for the upcoming fishing. The guys spent the afternoon making up lots of kite leaders and helping out everyone with their set-ups. The weather remains very nice and we are hopeful that it continues throughout the week ahead. We will be at the fishing grounds at daylight tomorrow. Wish us luck. "The Intrepid Team"
Report Date:
We are making good time traveling South in beautiful sea conditions. The weather is very nice as we make our way down below. Today was spent relaxing and enjoying a nice ride along with rigging up some of our tackle for the fishing ahead. We had a short seminar today that was mostly spent telling stories about past times with our limited load of fishermen. This is a Seeker Rods sponsored trip and you know that Joe Phister sent Pat......
Report Date:
We left today on our Wahoodad and Willy 15 day and the weather was as good as it gets. Check back for the reports that will soon follow. "The Intrepid Team" ......