Report Date:
http://www.fishintrepid.comToday was a different day as far as catching goes. We did get a couple more fish over the 200 lb mark and some in the 160-170 lb range. As we leave the area one can only be in awe at the quality of these fish. We have never seen so many giant fish (fish over 300 lbs) at one time. It is breath taking to watch them blow up around the boat and chase baits! Big fish of the day however was a 234 lb fish for Mark Bueker. We did have some losses today. We will be posting more photos of the trip during our travels home. "The Intrepid Team"
Report Date:
HAPPY NEW YEAR from INTREPID SPORTFISHING The New Year started out on the slow side as far......
Report Date:
We have a NEW trip departing on Fri. Jan. 23 to Feb. 7th for 15 days 20 passengers. The fare is $4,125. Please call the Intrepid office at (877) 686-7827 to get in on the action. Thanks for all your help!!!......