Report Date: By Craig Mathews
The Madison River between the lakes has fished very well this past week with big stonefly nymphs and streamers. There has been some midge and Baetis mayfly activity near the mouth at Quake Lake on overcast days also.
The river below Earthquake Lake has been strong during midge times. There are still BWO's in places and trout will rise to an imitation at times but mainly it is midges bringing up the big trout and will be so for the next several months so have Zelon and Skittering Zelon Midges. There has been no midge clusters to speak of but this will change soon and you will want to tie up some midge cluster patterns but we will let you know when this activity begins.
The Gallatin has fished well below Big Sky and the Yellowstone has been great when the winds are not a factor in the Paradise. Large streamers for the big river, and Tim's Soft Hackle Stone for the Gallatin are all you will need for subsurface. Both rivers can have good Baetis and midge times after noon so be ready with BRF Sparkle Duns and $3 Dips as well as Slough Creek Midges when midging.
I'll be back at this in 2 weeks with our saltwater research updates.
Report Date:
Weekly Conditions and Tips Photo Above by Peter Scorzetti Report By Craig Mathews The Madison River from Highway......