Report Date: it another couple weeks if the trend continues and we will have excellent fishing in the inlet and short but sweet river section. Once again, I like a dry/dropper combo for the transition area and river that emanates from the powerhouse. Tubing the Rez proper near the inlet and boat ramp (they plant fish here) is also a good call. Troll full sinking lines using Loebergs, Punk Perch, crystal leeches, agent orange, & Spruce-A-Bu's. You can also still water nymph Ala Crowley style, I suggest you have some mayfly imitations like assassins and flashback pt's as there are plenty of mayflies here. The usual chironomid patterns will also get take down your Under-cator. Tiger midges are hard to beat here. Crystal emergers & pupa are great as uppers. Fish the steep drop-offs on the west shoreline to avoid conflicts with shore fishers.