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http://www.montanaflyfishing.comThe Firehole is finally coming around! In the past few days we've had all types of weather which brought out a fair number of Caddis and Mayflies. When we had cloudy rainy weather big browns came up to sip Baetis and Pale Morning Duns. Be sure to tie Sparkle Duns in both patterns if you are headed up this way. When we had clear skies we saw a few White Miller Caddis bopping around. Fish were happy to chase emergers around. Aggressive eats were of no shortage. The White Miller X-Caddis is another great pattern to have in your box right now. If you've just picked up a Tenkara rod recently now is a great time to test it out. Head to the riffles and swing any partridge soft hackle Size 12-16 and you should be in for some action. The river is still high but it seems we have reached the beginning of another great season of Firehole fishing. If you like rising trout make your way to the park.
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The Beaverhead is a good bet also. Lots of BWO's as long as the flow remains low.......
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The Big Horn is fixing to get huge, it is flowing around 7,500 cfs, and rising, so get to it now. The same might apply to the Missouri that too will become a very big river this year.......