Report Date:
http://www.miragesportfishing.comCapt Tucker McCombs from the Mirage called in with an update from their 2 day trip that just returned, they had 130 Halibut, 32 White Seabass. There is a lot of White Seabass around as well as Halibut, now is the time to get out there. We are pretty well booked, but we do get cancellations from tiime to time. One of our junior anglers Halibut is being submitted to IGFA as a world record for juniors, it came in at 54.9 pounds. It is time to get out there and get some, if you want to check on availablity give Channel Islands Sportfishing a call at 805-382-1612 or go to the website.
Report Date:
Capt Tucker McCombs called in from the Mirage called in at the end of the day with another great day......
Report Date:
Captain Tucker McCombs called in with an update from the Mirage out of CISCOs. The got into the Halibut......