Report Date:
http://www.dfw.state.or.usOregon Sport Fishing Regulations provide requirements for all zones. However, additional regulations may be adopted in this rule division from time to time and to the extent of any inconsistency, they supersede the printed Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations booklet.
Revised July 10, 2014
Under temporary rules announced July 10, the lake is open to fishing for all game fish species from July 11 through Dec. 31, 2014 with the following restrictions:
-Allowed harvest methods are by hand, dip net, or angling;
-There are no daily catch and possession limits; and
-There are no minimum length requirements.
For more information contact your local ODFW office:
-Hines (541) 573-6582
-Lakeview (541) 947-2950
-Ontario (541) 889-6975
-Klamath Falls (541) 883-5732
Report Date:
New salmon, steelhead, sturgeon endorsement Beginning Jan. 1, 2014 anglers fishing for salmon, steelhead or sturgeon in the Columbia River and......