ACTION NOTICE: Commercial Troll Incidental Coho Allowance for September

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Report Date:

8/18/14 ACTION NOTICE #2 - Commercial Troll Salmon: NOAA Fisheries in consultation with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the Pacific Fishery Management Council has taken in-season action with respect to the commercial troll salmon fishery in the area from Cape Falcon to Humbug Mountain.

ACTIONS TAKEN:A portion of the remaining June 21 - August 10 recreational mark selective Coho quota which was in excess of projected recreational fishery needs for the September season was transferred on an impact neutral basis to the Cape Falcon to Humbug Mt. troll fishery. This transfer results in a September troll quota in this area of 5,300 Coho Salmon (non mark selective).

    - This season is structured to allow incidental Coho retention for vessels fishing for Chinook.


    - Beginning September 3 and continuing through the earlier of September 30 or the quota of 5,300 Coho; vessels may land one Coho for each Chinook landed up to a maximum landing week limit of 20 Coho (landing week defined as Wednesday through Tuesday).


    - All vessels landing any Coho from this season are required to notify Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife of the landing within an hour of delivery or prior to transport away from the port of landing by calling (541)867-0300 ext. 252. Notification shall include the vessel name and number, number of Coho being landed, port of landing, location of delivery, and estimated time of delivery.


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OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Report Date:

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