Report Date:
http://www.dfw.state.or.us8/27/14 ACTION NOTICE (Corrected for N. of Queets River) -
Commercial Troll Salmon: NOAA Fisheries in consultation with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, representatives from the commercial troll fishery, and the Pacific Fishery Management Council, has taken in-season actions with respect to the commercial troll salmon fishery in the area from the US/Canada Border to Cape Falcon.
The commercial salmon fishery from the US/Canada Border to Cape Falcon will reopen at 12:01 AM, Friday, August 29 through 11:59 PM Tuesday, September 2 (and each subsequent Friday through Tuesday through September 16 unless modified by inseason action).
Open period landing and possession limits of 20 Chinook Salmon and 150 adipose fin-clipped Coho Salmon for all areas south of the Queets River; and 20 Chinook Salmon and 50 adipose fin-clipped Coho Salmon for all areas north of the Queets River.
Vessels in possession of salmon north of Leadbetter Pt., WA must land their catch north of Leadbetter Pt.; vessels in possession of salmon between Leadbetter Pt., WA and Cape Falcon, OR must land their catch within the area from Leadbetter Pt, WA to Cape Falcon, OR or into Garibaldi, OR. Mandatory reporting of delivery for all landings into Oregon at 541/867-0300 x271 within one hour of delivery or prior to transport away from the port of landing.
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