Report Date:
http://www.dfw.state.or.usUPDATE: Commercial Troll Coho Quota
Commercial salmon trollers who are participating in the Cape Falcon to Humbug Mt. incidental Coho Salmon retention fishery are reminded that this season will close the earlier of Sept. 30 or the quota of 5,300 Coho Salmon. At this point in time, it appears that the season will not close early, but trollers are reminded of the following:
- Mandatory call-in to (541)867-0300 ext. 252 within one hour of landing of any delivery that includes Coho Salmon.
- All Coho Salmon must be delivered prior to continuing to fish for Chinook Salmon beginning October 1.
- Must have at least one Chinook for each Coho landed with maximum of 20 Coho and 65 Chinook per landing week (Wed. through Tues.).
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