Report Date:
9/10/14 ACTION NOTICE - Recreational Ocean Salmon Coho Quota Transfer: NOAA Fisheries in consultation with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, and representatives from the recreational salmon fishery, has taken in-season actions with respect to the recreational ocean salmon quotas in the Westport and Columbia River Ocean Salmon Management Areas.
ACTION TAKEN: The recreational non-selective ocean Coho Salmon quota in the Columbia River Ocean Salmon Management Area (Leadbetter Pt. to Cape Falcon) will be reduced from 10,750 to 9,750. The Coho Salmon removed from this quota will be transferred to the Westport Ocean Salmon Management Area (Queets River to Leadbetter Pt.) resulting in a quota increase of 11,400 to 12,400.
RATIONALE: During the most recent week of fishing, anglers out of Westport had landed an estimated 5,388 Coho leaving only 6,012 on the quota. Anglers fishing within the Columbia River Area had landed 3,558 Coho leaving 7,142 Coho on the quota. This transfer is not expected to result in any reduction to the season length in the Columbia River Area, but will help insure that no management action is required in the Westport Area before next week.
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