Report Date:
80 plus Yellowtail on the Mission Belle for the day so far. Yesterday the Belle returned with limits of Yellowtail for 15 passengers. Fish are being taken on dropper loop rigs and Yo Yo iron. Come on down and enjoy some of this fantastic fishing.
(619) 223 1627
to book your spot
Report Date:
Capt. Tony from the Mission Belle just callled in with 132 Yellowtai! Fishing is as good as it gets right now. The GRANDE has an overnight trip scheduled for fishing on Saturday and a 1 ½ day trip fishing on Sunday. Both of these trips still have some room, so call the landing to reserve your spot. Dorado fishing has been hot offshore along with some Yellowfin Tuna and even a stray Wahoo thrown in. Point Loma Sportfishing619 223 1627......
Report Date:
The New Lo-An is a WILL RUN for tonights trip! Light load, great weather, and excellent fishing make this an ideal trip to go on! The New Lo-An had limits of Dorado, 40+ yellowfin and 1 wahoo for their last trip. The Grande heads back out Friday night for a 1-day excursion. Light load and great opportunity to catch some fish as they keep swimming through October. PLEASE NOTE, ALL PASSENGERS MUST HAVE A VALID I.D. FOR ANY TRIP 3/4 DAY OR......