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http://www.redrumcabo.comDave Bramlage and his group from Chicago came in and fished with us for a one day Tournament. They rented the whole Redrum fleet and did very well. Reel Rum caught 8 Dorado and 1 Tuna. Tantrum took 2nd place finish with 12 Dorado, 1 Sailfish, and a Marlin. Rum Runnin came in a bit early with 5 Dorado. Nuevo came in 1st Place with 10 Dorado, 3 Tuna, and a Marlin. Congrats to the winners. We enjoyed having you guys down and hope to have you fish with Redrum again!
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Mr. Shaw and his two buddies headed out on Reel Rum and ended the day with 2 large Dorado and a Stripe Marlin. The Dains couple went out with Cesar and caught a monster Bull Dorado. Cesar said it was the biggest he has caught all year. Paul Beasley and his friends went out on Rum Runnin and caught 6 Dorado and a Wahoo. His fishing buddies had gotten sick and headed back to the office while Paul opted to......
Report Date:
Rum Runnin headed out for the first time this week and ended their day with large Dorado. Cesar and the Coble couple headed out on Tantrum and had a 3 Stripe Marlin, 2 Dorado day. Folks on Reel Rum were a no show and Alex and his mate Ramiro spent the day cleaning the boat getting it ready for the next couple of weeks without a day off.......