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http://www.shogunsportfishing.comHello Shogun fans,
Today we fished the ridge for yellowtail and grouper, we caught yellowtail but no grouper we hooked 8 but lost them all. the yellowtail were 12-18 pounds. we left the ridge at dark to make bait. the bait making was slow until the last hour. but we did fill a tank and a half of nice green mackerel on onboard.after bait making we headed for the tuna grounds in which we plan to put the mackerel to good use.
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Last nights bait making went okay, we were done by 11:00. This morning started off right with five yellows coming over the rail in short order, then nothing. We picked up the anchor and did some looking, and then some more looking and really not finding much, I made the decision to try Chester's. Ummmm, just that word stirs deep emotions in the yellowtail angler. Although it seems that it has been along time since anyone has caught anything there,......
Report Date:
Norm Kagawa docked his Shogun October 12 after a 10-day Hi's Tackle trip that spent two and a half days......