Report Date:
http://www.pacificqueensportfishing.comCapt Drew checked in for the Pacific Queen as Capt Joe and they are having a nice start to the morning, they have 7 Yellowfin Tuna and 1 Yellowtail on the deck so far. We also had a couple Bluefin Tuna and had to release them as they are fishing in Mexican waters right now, there is a lot of signs of Yellowfin Tuna around. We have another trip departing tomorrow night with some room, to get on this trip or any future trips give the landing a call at 619-221-8500 or visit our website at and get your spots. Hope to see you on the boat.
The Pacific Queen runs fishing trips out of Fisherman's Landing in San Diego, CA. If you would like to go fishing on the Pacific Queen you can call (619) 221-8500 or you can BOOK ONLINE.Report Date:
Capt Drew checked in from the Pacific Queen as they returned from their 1.5 day trip this morning, we had......
Report Date:
Capt Drew checked in from the Pacific Queen to let us know that they have a 1.5 day trip departing......