The annual "Spring Spectacular" open bass tournament at Lake Oroville will take place on April 7 at the Spillway Launch. Blast-off is at safe light, and the weigh-in starts at 2:30 PM. First prize of $1000 is based on a full field of 100 teams, with payback of 20 places or one in five. Tons of great raffle prizes will be available to competitors and spectators alike.
The event is a fundraiser for the Chico Bass Club. The group's activities include sponsorship of the Lake Oroville Florida-strain Bass Project, volunteering for the Chico "Hooked on Fishing" children's event and various habitat enhancement projects.
Entry fee of $80 per team also includes BBQ dinner and Big Fish Option. Spectators will also be able to buy a limited number of dinners. Registration forms are available at area tackle shops, or by calling 872-0407 or 872-8805. Last minute signups will be taken starting at 3:30 AM on the day of the tournament.
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