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Some access sites on the North Santiam above and below Detroit Reservoir were impacted by last fall’s wildfire. Some of the more popular sites such as Packsaddle Park and Fishermen’s Bend are still closed until crews can remove hazard trees. Anglers can still access the river from Stayton downstream and in a few places above such as the Mehama bridge and North Santiam State Park.
No recent fishing reports. River levels best for fishing are at or below 3,000 cfs, and the river is currently running at 1,900 cfs at the gage in Mehama. Water clarity is good.
Fishing for hatchery steelhead is open year-round. A few hundred early summer steelhead have arrived in the upper Willamette and will be making their way into tributaries, including the North Santiam, over the next few weeks. A handful have already reached the Stayton area. Overall, however, this is shaping up to be a disappointing year for summer steelhead.
Spring Chinook numbers at Willamette Falls have recently surged, indicating the beginning of the main run. Over 14,000 fish have crossed Willamette Falls on their way to tributaries upstream, including the Santiam basin. It takes on average about two weeks for a fish to swim from Willamette Falls to the North Santiam. About 500 fish have reached the Stayton area but the bulk of the run is still downstream. Forecasts are for a run year about the same as last year or perhaps a bit higher.
Anglers should be aware that trout harvest is now closed and will not re-open until May 22.
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CLACKAMAS, Ore.—Following a run upgrade, fishery managers from Oregon and Washington adopted additional fishing days for recreational spring Chinook salmon......