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River flows are finally rising. While the release from Lost Creek is 1,796 cfs, the flow at Gold Ray was 3,000 cfs and still climbing on Tuesday, with a river temperature of 44-45F.
Coho salmon are present in good numbers. The return of hatchery coho to Cole Rivers had reached 1,799 fish last week with 971 new arrivals. When much of the upper Rogue is muddy, the reach upstream of Big Butte often remains clear during storms. Anglers can call the Army Corps of Engineers at 800-472-2434 for an update on hatchery counts as well as flow and temperature information.
For up-to-date river levels, check all the USGS Rogue gauges here.
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Free Fishing Days Nov. 29-30 The Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving are Free Fishing days in Oregon. That means you don't......