Report Date:
Emigrant is currently 72 percent full. At least one boat ramp is now useable to power boats. There will be construction on one of the boat ramp dock, so please be patient and look forward to improvements.
Trout should be evenly distributed so bank fishing in areas that drop off quickly should be good.
Warmwater fishing success should start to pick up as temperatures increase. Anglers can try fishing crankbaits, light colored jerk-bait, Senkos, or a worm retrieved slowly along the bottom.
There is a longstanding health advisory for consumption of resident warmwater species in Emigrant for high levels of mercury. Consult the sportfishing regulations or the Oregon Health Authority for more information on consumption guidelines.
The most current elevations for Emigrant Reservoir and other Rogue Basin reservoirs can be found on the Bureau of Reclamation's website, here.