Report Date: Conditions:
Okay, algae is dying fast and only a problem here and there as it moves around daily. North end is crystal clear beyond the weeds last 250 yards to the mouth.
Fishing Conditions and Hatches:
Fair to Good (if you can dodge the algae). Fish are showing up in Little Hilton but out deep like 18 ft. Mix of sizes, mostly smaller.
Big fish are spread out from the mouth of McGee out to 16 ft of water all along the old channel. Temperatures are 53F in the channel bottom and 68F on the surface. Fish just adjust depth to get in 57 F they love.
Find the right spot and you will do well with fish from 19 to 24 inches daily but not wide open body-count yet. Brown/Bow/Cut trifecta available daily. North end has a bunch of recent stockers that came to visit from the Owens.
Damsels and Calibaetis are hatching so hang one under the indicator about half way down the water column.
Recommended Flies:
Red, Black and Purple Optimidges Early, Blood Midge, Gold Bead Red/Black Optimidge #18, #20 Dubbed head Black Optimidge, Mickey's Red Baron, Ultimate Damsel, Jansens Calbaetis.
Extended body BWO's but not too many fish sipping on the surface yet. Try dry and dropper.
Doc's Twin Lake Special Black/Olive #10, Hornberg #10, Olive Matuka #10, Ultimate Damsel.
Report Date:
Water Conditions: Good, as of 7/28 flows are at 90cfs above the Hot Creek confluence. Fishing Conditions and Hatches: Good, try a......