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This river above Green Peter Reservoir gets stocked from late spring through the summer. The creek was last stocked in late July with about 2,200 trout.
The river is currently running at 20 cfs. Adult chinook salmon were released into this river in September to allow them to spawn naturally and establish a population above Green Peter dam. Anglers may see some carcasses of large salmon. Make sure to keep your dogs away from these carcasses as they can get very sick from eating them. Anglers are reminded that fishing for salmon in Quartzville Creek as well as the Middle Santiam is prohibited.
Light tackle including flies works best, but bait is allowed.
Trout are active year-round, and anglers are allowed to keep up to five fish daily.
Report Date:
Learn how to duck hunt ODFW will be offering two two-day duck hunting workshops on Nov. 12-13 in the Portland area......