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Fishing is generally best when flows are below 3,000 cfs. Currently flows are around 1,420 cfs at the Waterloo gauge.
Summer steelhead returns are improved this year. Best sections to fish are from Waterloo upstream to just below Foster Dam. Over 1,500 summer steelhead have already entered the ladder at Foster as of Aug. 8. As a reminder, fishing for chinook is closed from Aug. 31 to Oct 15. to protect spawning fish.
Anglers may see salmon actively spawning along the river. Please keep your distance and do not disturb them during this time so they can complete this vital step in their life cycle. Also, please keep your dog away from salmon carcasses as they can make dogs very ill, even fatally so, if they are consumed.
Hatchery trout harvest season closes Nov. 1. Fishing with bait is only allowed between April 22 and Oct. 31. Anglers are reminded that only fin-clipped trout may be kept.
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Learn how to duck hunt ODFW will be offering two two-day duck hunting workshops on Nov. 12-13 in the Portland area......