Report Date:
The flows are 100 CFS and the road is open to most vehicles. Please be aware that there are still patches of snow and ice in the shaded areas, and between these hazards there is potential for fallen rocks on the road. Precautions should be taken while driving out here. Remember, there is no cell service once you get past Boca Dam.
The fishing out here remains good, and it’s clear the rainbows are heading into spawn based on their vibrant colors right now. We are likely a few weeks out from seeing them on redds.
This week the winter stones have been everywhere, making for a nice change of pace from the consistency of the baetis and midges. Yes, the fish are crushing these dry flies on top. The storm this week may temporarily close access again for a short while. If you have any questions about the latest road conditions for the little truckee, give the shop a ring.